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Our Values

Does this feel like a good fit for you?

Don't be a d***. 

The photo says it. 

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A desire to live in a community & cooperate with others. 

We will all work on communication and group problem-solving skills to succeed!

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The intent and bandwidth to contribute.

Getting this built will take effort and hard work, but it will be incredibly rewarding. 


Welcoming others and be welcomed.

We want to prioritize inclusion and make sure no one feels unwelcome on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, race, ability, religion, and how they show up as themselves.

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Kids are welcome. 

This community will be a place where families can grow. You don't need to have kids, but if you have them or want them, great. 


Community Service & Engagement. 

Where ever we land, we want to do our best to be part of the larger community and bring something to the table on a local level. 

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Looks good?

Check out our Whats the Plan page to see what the process will look like!

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